This statement model is required for residents in Spain or persons who are considered residents in Spain for tax purposes, such as members of diplomatic missions in Spanish, members of consular offices in Spain, holders of official positions or of employment for the Spanish State in international delegations and representations, Spanish official employees engaged in foreign office or official employment, and most especially Foreign Residents in Spain.
These people will be required to file when their bank balances or securities at 31 December exceed € 50,000 or when they have an average bank balance of the same amount at the last quarter of the year. The declarant shall be the holder or owner of one or all of the following product groups:
• - Bank Accounts abroad.
• - Investments in foreign legal entities or foreign social capital.
• - Equity on loan on foreign management.
• - Life disability insurance hired to a foreign insurance.
• - Real estate and property interests located abroad.
There are left outside these obligations articles and goods such as, vehicles, jewellery, art work, etc.
The deadline to submit the Statement of Assets and Rights Abroad began on the 1st of January and it will end on the 31st of March 2014. The form will only have to be resubmitted, if the existing balance, corresponding to each referential product group, experience an increase superior to 20,000 € to the last declared value, for example, what was presented for the year 2012.