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Thursday, 10 September 2015



El pasado 30 de Julio de 2015, se publicó por fin la reforma a la Ley de Inversores que estábamos esperando desde hace tiempo.

Las novedades más destacadas son: 

1. A la renovación de la residencia  se concede residencia por 5 años( es decir después de los 2 primeros años) siempre que se mantengan los mismos requisitos de la inversión.    

2. En la solicitud se puede solicitar también residencia a los hijos mayores de edad siempre que no sean económicamente independiente y no tengan un nuevo núcleo familiar. También a los ascendientes si dependen económicamente de los hijos o  que  tengan alguna enfermedad que necesite de cuidados.

3.  Además ya no sólo se aplica a cónyuges sino que también recoge a “ persona con análoga relación de afectividad” por lo que también  se aplica  a parejas de hecho que lo acrediten.

4. Si el extranjero no ha formalizado la compra del inmueble o inmuebles pero   existe un precontrato con garantía en su cumplimiento por medio de arras u otro medio admitido en derecho formalizado en escritura pública, deberá presentar junto con el cumplimiento de los requisitos indicados en el artículo62.3, el precontrato con garantía junto con un certificado de una entidad financiera establecida en España en el que se constate que el solicitante dispone de un depósito bancario indisponible con la cantidad necesaria para la adquisición, cumpliendo el contrato comprometido, del inmueble o inmuebles indicados, incluyendo cargas e impuestos.

El importe del depósito sólo podrá ser utilizado para la compra final del inmueble o inmuebles indicados en el precontrato con garantía. En este supuesto, el interesado recibirá una autorización de residencia para inversores de duración máxima de 6 meses.


Si se acredita la compra efectiva del inmueble o inmuebles indicados, el  interesado podrá solicitar una autorización de residencia para inversores.


5.  Ventaja sobre otros países de Europa, es que  ya no exige para su renovación haber viajado a España al menos una vez durante el periodo autorizado para residir” de modo que no existirá obligación de visitar España ni un solo día para poder  renovar la residencia.
Cualquier duda consúltanos en

Thursday, 23 July 2015


Last Friday was aproved the new rules for the Golden Visa.

We are still the publication at the oficial spanish boletín BOE.

We have been informed that the new  Golden  visa will allow the application  of the residence for:

 The parents of the investor

The son/daughter out of age but  without incomes could apply for it as well

The investor could  get a residence permit  for 5 years

These are some of the new rules which will improve the actual Golden Visa.

We need to wait for the final aproval.

Friday, 23 May 2014


This Law firm got the first Golden Visa  in Marbella.

They are Chinese  investors in Spain.

The  grantor consulate was Beijing. Our clients are already enjoying their residence in Marbella, Spain.

They are very happy with the service provided and the outcome achieved.

We have achieved good results applying  for others kinds of residence  for Chinese citizens in Spain.

If you are interested to know your options please contact us at . You will have a clear idea of all the options and steps to be taken.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014



- To renovate a residency visa, it is no longer necessary to live in Spain for longer than six months per year. The residency visa is now more flexible and better adapted to the investors´ needs, who need to be in other countries.

- The requirements are specifically taxed; therefore, the Consulates´ possibilities to issue visas arbitrarily are reduced. The chances to be granted a visa are almost guaranteed, when the applications are followed faithfully as stated by law. This new change reduces considerably the uncertainty created by the old application system. It is a great advancement, as it gives a sense of security to the applicants.

-         The application processing period has been reduced considerably. In practice, the Consulates are following the legal dead lines, offering greater flexibility in the application processing.

-          It is no longer necessary to apply for the residency card; having the visa on the Passport is enough, as it states Spanish residency and identifies the NIE number perfectly.

-          Benefits the Spanish investors market by establishing a minimum investment of 500,000€ in Spanish properties and accrediting sufficient funds for the period of residency in Spain.

-          The interest to apply for this residency visas has increased, due to the elimination of bureaucratic paperwork that created obstacles to apply and to grant residency visas.

Since this new Law entered into force, At Virginia Ramos´ Law Firm, we have submitted and have been successfully been granted many investors residency visas. If you are interested in this application, please contact us as at

Friday, 17 January 2014

Statement of Assets and Rights Abroad

This statement model is required for residents in Spain or persons who are considered residents in Spain for tax purposes, such as members of diplomatic missions in Spanish, members of consular offices in Spain, holders of official positions or of employment for the Spanish State in international delegations and representations, Spanish official employees engaged in foreign office or official employment,  and most especially Foreign Residents in Spain.

These people will be required to file  when their bank balances or securities at 31 December exceed € 50,000 or when they have an average bank balance of the same amount at the last quarter of the year. The declarant shall be the holder or owner of one or all of the following product groups:
• - Bank Accounts abroad. 
• - Investments in foreign legal entities or foreign social capital. 
• - Equity on loan on foreign management. 
• - Life disability insurance hired to a foreign insurance. 
• - Real estate and property interests located abroad.
There are left outside these obligations articles and goods such as, vehicles, jewellery, art work, etc.

The deadline to submit the Statement of Assets and Rights Abroad began on the 1st of January and it will end on the 31st of March 2014. The form will only have to be resubmitted, if the existing balance, corresponding to each referential product group,   experience an increase superior to 20,000 € to the last declared value, for example, what was presented for the year 2012. 

Monday, 29 April 2013


Buying a house is likely to be the most expensive thing you´ ll ever buy. So it is vital you have a good and  trusted lawyer to make sure everything is in order. 
Otherwise the consequences could be catastrophic. 
We do not  corners but carry out a serious amount of work, some of which is pretty technical to make sure every base is covered for you.

What do we do for you?

We as your real estate lawyer,  make sure the contract is right and fair for you- so that you are fully protected and it covers all the issues important to you.  When we agree with the other side is done the “ exchange of contracts”

Before it we carry out the legal searching of the property, ensuring that the seller is actually the owner of the property and has provided to you all the necessary information of the property.  We check that the property has the licence on place ( planning searches for you) and the land registry confirms that there are not debts over the property

We organize the completion at the Notary, making sure that your Title Deeds joins all the legal requirement to be registered in your name as requested by the Land Registry. We are updated with all the Property new regulations to make sure that you are fully protected. The completion day is the day that you will receive your keys and therefore you will be able to move to your new house in Spain.

After moving in, we arrange for your new house to be formally registered in your name with the Land Registry.

Throughout all this we remain in regular contact with you, the other solicitor selling you the house or your mortgage company and the estate agents, doing all we can to ensure  the move to Spain  goes smoothly without any  risk for you.  

Contact us  at for estimation of cost

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Would you like to have a residence permit in Spain?

If you are tired to apply for a visa each time you want to go to Spain. Or you have a multivisa but  you can not spend as much time in Spain as you would like as   your time in Spain is limited. You could  be interested to apply for  a spanish residence that will save you all the troubles  with the visa applications, renovations and time limitation plus all the cost incurred each time you need to apply for it.

We are lawyers in Marbella with a large experience in immigration law in Spain. We  provide legal service  for you to apply for residence in Spain.

If you do not want to work in Spain, we could apply for your residence without work permit. This residency  grants you the right to stay in Spain without obligations or time limitation. We will  provide you the  full information of the procedure with  all the requirements  that you need to join to be granted the residence permit. We will revise all the documents that you need to present in order for us to make sure that your application joins the requirements asked by the Spanish Administration. We will assist you since day one until you actually have your residence card in your hand. Taking care of  all your doubts, queries and sorting out  the problems that we can face in the procedure.

We apply for all the residencies in Spain wheter you are from Europe, Non European  citizen or family of  an European citizen. Contact us letting us know your case  at and we will offer a  legal option for  you.