Noting that the United Kingdom has decided that the principle of free movement
of persons between the Union and the United Kingdom will no longer apply, the
Parties should establish mobility arrangements, as set out below.
The mobility arrangements will be based on non-discrimination between the
Union's Member States and full reciprocity.
In this context, the Parties aim to provide, through their domestic laws, for
visa-free travel for short-term visits.
The Parties agree to consider conditions for entry and stay for purposes such
as research, study, training and youth exchanges.
The Parties also agree to consider addressing social security coordination in
the light of future movement of persons.
In line with their applicable laws, the
Parties will explore the possibility to facilitate the crossing of their
respective borders for legitimate travel.
Any provisions will be without prejudice to the Common Travel Area (CTA)
arrangements as they apply between the United Kingdom and Ireland.
To support mobility, the Parties confirm their commitment to the effective
application of the existing international family law instruments to which they
are parties. The Union notes the United Kingdom's intention to accede to the
2007 Hague Maintenance Convention to which it is currently bound through its
Union membership.
The Parties will explore options for judicial cooperation in matrimonial,
parental responsibility and other related matters.
These arrangements would be in addition to commitments on temporary entry and
stay of natural persons for business purposes in defined areas as referred to
in Section III of this Part. Those commitments should not be nullified by the
right of either Party to apply their respective laws, regulations and
requirements regarding entry, stay and work.
further information contact us on info@virginiaramos.com